How We Work
Statistics show that nearly 50% of water projects in developing countries fail.
Our approach focuses on overcoming these sustainability challenges, ensuring lasting and sustainable access to safe drinking water for all.
Our Approach to Developing Sustainable Water Project
Our approach is based on an innovative, iterative research and development cycle that continuously refines and improves our solutions, ensuring they are effective, sustainable, and tailored to the specific needs of the communities we serve. We start with thorough research to understand the issues and identify potential solutions. Based on our findings, we create conceptual solutions and develop them into actionable plans. These solutions are then piloted in real-world settings to test their viability. We collect and analyze data from these pilots to assess effectiveness, refine the solutions based on what works and what doesn’t, and repeat the process.
Our Framework for Sustainable Water Solutions
Pre-construction Phase
1. Mapping and Research
We pinpoint the exact locations of the neediest communities, engage to understand the interrelated challenges these community face, and research how a sustainable water solution tailored to their specific needs can be achieved. Learn more about Mapping by exploring our Target 6.1 Map

Flowchart of our predictive iterative sustainability model: Download our research publication for detailed insights.
3. Architectural Design
Based on our research findings, analyzed data from mapping, sustainability assessments, and community needs, we create the architectural design for the proposed solution. This design process provides crucial information for budgeting and defines the overall project outcome, ensuring the final solution meets both functional and aesthetic requirements. Download sample architectural designs with considerations for design factors and the infrastructure’s designated lifespan.
Video about mapping and how it aids in project sustainability.
2. Innovation and Technology
Utilizing our innovative Predictive Iterative Sustainability model, we assess the community's viability for sustainable infrastructure and predict the long-term success of proposed projects. This helps us effectively mitigate all risks associated with project failure at the pre-construction and planning phases.
3d video of an approved architectural design for a mobile smart water kiosk.
Construction Phase
1. Construction of Smart Water Infrastructure
Based on the approved architectural design, we implement the construction of smart water infrastructure. This infrastructure is designed to be reliable and sustainable, ensuring year-round functionality with less than 1% downtime.

Abeku community leaders and fairaction team in front of a smart water kiosk provided to the abeku community.
3. Water Committee & Kiosk Attendant
Once construction is completed and before launching the project, we establish a local water committee and employ a community member as a Kiosk Attendant. The Kiosk Attendant performs routine maintenance, serves beneficiaries at our smart water kiosk, and acts as a liaison between the community and our team, providing essential feedback on infrastructure performance and improvement needs.

Constructed mobile smart water kiosk based on approved architectural design.
2. Community Education and Capacity Building
Throughout the construction phase, we work with local technicians to enhance their skills in maintaining and repairing the infrastructure. We also educate community members on sustainable water usage and how they can contribute to the maintenance of their infrastructure.

Kiosk attendant selling water at our smart water kiosk in ibadan, nigeria.
Post-Construction Phase
1. Water Sales
The Kiosk Attendant, with the aid of our flow sensor and automatic shutdown device, sells water at an affordable price set by the community members themselves. For those unable to afford it, we provide water credits.

Your donation helps fund a project, which then sustains itself and funds another project. This continuous cycle magnifies the impact of your donation, creating a ripple effect from one project to the next.
3. Monitoring, Tracking, and Reporting
Using IoT technology, we continuously monitor and collect vital data such as revenue water, non-revenue water, water credits, etc. This data ensures operational improvement and proactive maintenance and repairs, maintaining operational reliability throughout the infrastructure's designated lifespan.

Image of live data from our algorithmic software for project monitoring, data analysis, and sustainability prediction.

Affordable Water Sales for Sustainability
2. Self-Sustainability and Ripple Effect
Through the sales of water, the constructed infrastructure sustains itself, covering its operation and maintenance costs, and generates surplus funds over time. These surplus funds support new projects and create a continuous ripple effect. For infrastructures that are not self-sustainable, we provide support through our charitable fund.

Image of an internet of things (iot) sensor for remote monitoring and real-time data collection.
4. Data for Improved Functionality of Future Infrastructures
We analyze data collected from all our projects to refine the processes and design of future smart water infrastructure assets. This ensures each project contributes to our knowledge base, helping us build sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure, and furthers our mission to provide sustained access to clean water for all.
Pre-construction Phase
1. Mapping and Research
We pinpoint the exact locations of the neediest communities, engage to understand the interrelated challenges these community face, and research how a sustainable water solution tailored to their specific needs can be achieved. Learn more about Mapping by exploring our Target 6.1 Map
Video about mapping and how it aids in project sustainability.
2. Innovation and Technology
Utilizing our innovative Predictive Iterative Sustainability model, we assess the community's viability for sustainable infrastructure and predict the long-term success of proposed projects. This helps us effectively mitigate all risks associated with project failure at the pre-construction and planning phases.
Graphical representation of our predictive iterative sustainability model for project sustainability prediction.
3. Architectural Design
Based on our research findings, analyzed data from mapping, sustainability assessments, and community needs, we create the architectural design for the proposed solution. This design process provides crucial information for budgeting and defines the overall project outcome, ensuring the final solution meets both functional and aesthetic requirements.
3d video of an approved architectural design for a mobile smart water kiosk.
Construction Phase
1. Construction of Smart Water Infrastructure
Based on the approved architectural design, we implement the construction of smart water infrastructure. This infrastructure is designed to be reliable and sustainable, ensuring year-round functionality with less than 1% downtime.
Constructed mobile smart water kiosk based on approved architectural design.
2. Community Education and Capacity Building
Throughout the construction phase, we work with local technicians to enhance their skills in maintaining and repairing the infrastructure. We also educate community members on sustainable water usage and how they can contribute to the maintenance of their infrastructure.
Abeku community leaders and fairaction team in front of a smart water kiosk provided to the abeku community.
3. Water Committee & Kiosk Attendant
Once construction is completed and before launching the project, we establish a local water committee and employ a community member as a Kiosk Attendant. The Kiosk Attendant performs routine maintenance, serves beneficiaries at our smart water kiosk, and acts as a liaison between the community and our team, providing essential feedback on infrastructure performance and improvement needs.
Kiosk attendant selling water at our smart water kiosk in ibadan, nigeria.
Post-Construction Phase
1. Water Sales
The Kiosk Attendant, with the aid of our flow sensor and automatic shutdown device, sells water at an affordable price set by the community members themselves. For those unable to afford it, we provide water credits.
Affordable Water Sales for Sustainability
2. Self-Sustainability and Ripple Effect
Through the sales of water, the constructed infrastructure sustains itself, covering its operation and maintenance costs, and generates surplus funds over time. These surplus funds support new projects and create a continuous ripple effect. For infrastructures that are not self-sustainable, we provide support through our charitable fund.
Your donation helps fund a project, which then sustains itself and funds another project. This continuous cycle magnifies the impact of your donation, creating a ripple effect from one project to the next.
3. Monitoring, Tracking, and Reporting
Using IoT technology, we continuously monitor and collect vital data such as revenue water, non-revenue water, water credits, etc. This data ensures operational improvement and proactive maintenance and repairs, maintaining operational reliability throughout the infrastructure's designated lifespan.
Image of an internet of things (iot) sensor for remote monitoring and real-time data collection.
4. Data for Improved Functionality of Future Infrastructures
We analyze data collected from all our projects to refine the processes and design of future smart water infrastructure assets. This ensures each project contributes to our knowledge base, helping us build sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure, and furthers our mission to provide sustained access to clean water for all.
Image of live data from our algorithmic software for project monitoring, data analysis, and sustainability prediction.
Make a Difference - Support Our Projects
Help us bring hope and lasting change to over 700 million people without safe drinking water. Together, we can end extreme water poverty.
Sponsor an Entire Water Project
It cost approximately 17,000 USD to build FAIRACTION's solar powered borehole with a smart water kiosk. Each of our borehole with smart water kiosk is architecturally
Work Place Giving
Workplace giving is a positive relationship that benefits employees, employers and charities. Making regular donation to FAIRACTION through workplace giving is an easy way for employees...